Cidrerie de Cozmezou

A bit of history

North Finistere also has microclimates that are amenable to the production of good quality cider apples. The Kerbuel orchards are located in the town of Plouegat Guerrand, which is well-known for its annual cherry festival.

In addition to the favourable microclimate, the rocky soil that hosts the 700 apple trees in the south-facing parcel of land lends itself to making a fruity, amber-coloured cider that connoisseurs appreciate.

Comme discover, all year round, how the cider is made at the Kerbuel orchards. The visit includes a film followed by a tour of the facilities. And rounds up with, of course, a not-to-be-missed tasting session. And then — if you have visited other cider farms — you will understand that this traditional Breton beverage offers a wider range of tastes than you ever imagined!

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